User rating:
5 Yays
4 Nays

Geek Trends: 15 Footers with great usability
An alphabetical order list of 15 Footers with viable integration.
User rating:
6 Yays
3 Nays

175 free flag icons
A free set of original, 27x17 pixels world flag icons.
User rating:
8 Yays
1 Nays

CSS3 opacity, resize, and multiple backgrounds
A quick look at how to implement opacity, resize ability, plus multiple backgrounds using CSS3.
User rating:
3 Yays
1 Nays

Progressive Enhancement with CSS 3
Peter Gasston talks about progressively taking advantage of CSS3 features such as Opacity, shadows and tiger-striping effects in browsers that support them now.
User rating:
5 Yays
2 Nays

Getting Specific With CSS
Understanding specificity in CSS can help to make your troubleshooting and development go much more smoothly.
User rating:
1 Yays
3 Nays

“301” Redirects for SEO
Explains how to use "301" Redirects to improve search engine rankings. Includes the .htaccess code.
User rating:
3 Yays
16 Nays

LightCMS is a content management system for web designers. The site design caught my eye, not sure how it actually stacks up.
User rating:
2 Yays
1 Nays

HTML Purifier 3.0 released
HTML Purifier, a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP, is now at version 3.0! Filters HTML in your forms and CMSes for security.
User rating:
2 Yays
2 Nays

Automatic versioning of your CSS/ JavaScript files
A look at using PHP to automatically "versioning" your CSS and JavaScript files on your site.
User rating:
16 Yays
4 Nays

Accordion Content script
Accordion Content script lets you group arbitrary contents on the page together and reveal them on demand, in an "accordion" fashion. Uses the jQuery framework.